Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Days of the .... Whaaa???

Today had its moments of laughter, of loving my job, of laminating.... And of saying ridiculous things.

I pushed into a Life Skills Class to get some data on whether a student was generalizing his speech skills outside of my office (he isn't, more on the "Magic Portal" that is my office door later) when another student *NOT ON MY CASELOAD* (i.e., doesn't have a significant language impairment) wrote the following on his assignment:
Q: What day of the week was yesterday?
A: 5

... My first response when he showed me his paper? "A 5 is not a day of the week!" The teacher heard me and laughed at me.... Then realized what the student wrote and sent him to the calendar to look at the WORDS for the days of the week!!! (And since today is the 21st of October, there is no way it was even the date!!!!!!!!!)

That has come up at least 3 times today. During a building special ed meeting, during text messaging after work, and on Facebook. We (our amazing SpEd team) have now dubbed "The 5 File" for ridiculous statements and funny errors. Of which there are many in our lives!!!

As long as you can laugh, right???

Guess what the entry task for these 7th graders will be for the rest of the month?? Saying and writing the days of the week. :)

Hope you had a laugh today!


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