I asked what they wanted instead. One fifth grader said he wanted football flash cards for verbs. He's very proud of the progress he has made on past-tense verbs and wants to take some home for homework (be still my heart!!!). Another student in the same group asked for flower flash cards. They WANT HOMEWORK. This is bizarre. And I am obliging!!
I am actually blogging from bed. In the dark. With a snoring husband next to me. It is not even 9pm. I think he's sleeping off the virus that I had this week. But shhhhh. He won't ever admit that!! Me? I'm not sleepy. So I made the flower flash cards for my student. And I love them. A LOT. I'll probably make color versions later. But here are the mostly black and white cards, mixed up between regular and irregular past tense verbs. And with pictures from Whimsy Clips and my current favorite font, BoldDots.
I'm going to have to make some Plurals cards soon. Too many of my students get those all confused!! And I need some sort of peg board or hook system to hang all of these rings on... But that is for another day!
Enjoy your browsing!!!
The Scattered SLP